Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/705

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OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 581 Fldllip : — ^The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay, with BibUo- an account of the E^blishxnent of the Colonies of Port Jackson g^ aphj' and Norfolk Island, compiled from authentic papers, which have been obtained from the several departments. To which are added the Journals of Lieutenants Shortland, Watts, Ball, and Captain Marshall, with an Account of their New Discoveries. With fifty- €ve plates. 4to., pp. xl, 298, Ixxiv. London, 1789. The work contains twenty plates of birds, ten of animals, four of fishes, two of natives, one of plants, one of weapons, also eight maps and charts, one vignette, five views, and three porttaits. Some copies have the plates of natural history coloured. Second edition, corrected and re-arranged, with an abridgment of The History of New Holland, and Lord Auckland's Discourse on Banishment. 4to., pp. xxiv, 258, dxxv, and plates ; London, 1790. Third edition, with twenty plates, roy. 8vo,, pp. xxiv, 520; London, 1790. Another edition, pp. xiv, viii, 352, Ixxiv. Dublin, 1790. Another edition : — ^The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay, with an account of the Establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. Appendix to Cook's Yoyages, New- <»stle edition (2 vols.), 1790, pp. 871-976. Another edition : — Pelham's Voyages, voL i, p. 640. . Another edition [abridged]: — The Pocket Navigator series. 18mo., pp. 58, and plate. London [1807]. French translation :— Voyage Du Gouvemeur Phillip k Botany Bay, avec une description de TEtablissement des Colonies du Port Jackson et de Tile Norfolk, &c. 8vo., pp. 443. Paris, 1791. German translation (abridged): — Kommodore Phillip's Reise nach der Botany-Bai auf Neu-Holland. 12mo., pp. 86. Stuttgart, 1789. German Translation : — ^Arthur Phillip's Reise nach der Botany Bay, aus dem Englischen von M. E. SprengeL 8vo., pp. xiv, 264, map and illus. Hamburg, 1791. Another German translation : — Phillip's Reise nach Neu Slid Walea 2 vols., 12mo., pp. xvi, 224 : vi, 194. Numberg, 179L The plates of the preceding edition were issued separately : — Abbilduug einiger Landschaften von Neu Siid Wales nebst verschiedenen seiner Landesh bewohner und ihrera jezigen Be- herrscher. ' [Eight plates from Phillip's Voyage, with descriptions] oblong 4ta Numberg, 1791. Another German edition: — See Hunter. Berlin, 1794. Digitized by Google