Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/713

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OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 689 Yanconver : — A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Biblio- Ocean and Round the World, 1790-5. With atlas of plates and firraphy^ maps in folio. 4to., 3 vols. London, 1798. A new edition, in six volumes, published in 1801. French translation published in Paris, 1800. Huir: — Histoire de la Tyrannic du Gouvernement Anglais exercee envers le cel^bre Thomas Muir, Ecossais ; Sa Deporta- tion k Botany Bay, son Sdjour dans cette tie, son Evasion, son S6jour k Bordeaux, son Arrived k Paris ; avec une Description de Botany Bay, des Kenseignemens acquis par Thomas Muir sur la iin tragique du Voyage de La P^y rouse, et une Notice sur le Continent appel^ Pays de Galles Meridional. 12mo., pp. 60. Paris, 1798. The Life of Thomas Muir, who was Tried for Sedition and Sentenced to Transportation for Fourteen Years, with a full Report of his Trial. By Peter Mackenzie. 8vo., pp. xliv, 64. Glasgow, 1837. CoUins: — An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales : with Remarks on the Dispositions, Customs, Manners, &c., of the Native Inhabitants, to which are added Some Particulars of New Zealand, compiled by permission from the MSS. of Lieu- tenant-Governor King. By David Collins, E«»q., late Judge- Advocate and Secretary of the Colony. Illustrated by engravings. 4ta, pp. xx-xxxviii, 619, two charts and twenty-two plates. London, 1798. Of the plates, eleven are views of Sydney Cove and the settle- ments at Parramatta, &c. These were engraved after water-colour drawings made by Edward Dayes, from a series of rough sketches brought home from the colony. „ — An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, from its First Settlement, in January, 1788, to August, 1801 : to which are added, Some Particulars of New Zealand, &c., and An Account of a Voyage performed by Captain Flinders and Mr. Bass ; by which the existence of a strait separating Van Die- man's Land from the Continent of New Holland was ascertained. Abstracted from the Journal of Mr. Bass. By Lieutenant-Colonel Collins, of the Royal Marines. Illustrated. Chart and nine plates. Vol. ii, 4to., pp. xvi, 336. London, 1802. Some copies have the plates of Natural History coloured. As to the authorship of this volume, see ante, p. 257. „ — An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales. Second edition [abridged and edited by Mrs. Maria Collins]. 1 vol., 4to., pp. XX, 562, plates and portrait. London, 1804. Digitized by Google