Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/719

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OF KEW SOUTH WALES. 5»5 tions, '&d, of the natives, interspersed with anecdotes of the Biblio- oonvicts and free settlers, their treatment, conduct, &c.; with sonie grsphy, particulars of the exiled delegates. By a gentleman just returned from the settlement, who held an official situation there. 12mo., pp. iv, 80. London, 1808. Bond: — A Brief Account of the Colony of Port Jackson, in New South Wales, its Native Inhal»tants, Productions, <fec. With an Interesting Account of the Murder of Mr. Clode, as communi- cated by the Reverend Richard Johnstone, late Chaplain of the Colony.- By G. Bond, late Lieutenant of Marines and Ensign, New South Wales Corps. 8va, pp. 18. fn.d.] Fourth edition. pp. 24. Oxford, 1806. Fifth edition. 8vo., pp. 24. London, 1809. Sixth edition, Dublin [1810 1]. Bossel :— -Voyage de D'Entrecasteaux. Redig^ par M. de Rossel. 4to., 2 vols. Paris, 1.808. Hodg68 : — Portfolio of Sketches by William Hodges and James Webber (who accompanied Captain Cook on his voyages), and a series of water-colour drawings, by Edward Dayes and oti^er artists^ of scenes in New South Wales and Norfolk Island— 1770-1808. Two studies by Hodges : Heads of Australian Aborigines, in oil, on sail- cloth. When the ship was stranded, the artist's materials were destroyed, and his canvases lost, so that he was obliged to use a piece of sail-cloth to paint upon. Pencu figures of South Sea Islanders, Hodges. Two studies by Hodges. Pen and ink sketches of New Caledonians. (See plate xxxix, Cook's Second Voya^ze. ) Pencilled sketch : Head of a New Zealand Chief (tatooed), from life, by Webber. Kamschatka Family, by DanieL Australian scene ; Aboriginal and his Wife, by J. W. Lewin, 1808. Water-colour drawings, by Edward Dayes. This collection of sketches, which includes those drawn for Collins's Account of the Colony, is now the possession of S. W. Silver, Esq., 3, York Gate, Begent's Park, London. Neu HoUand : — Nach den besten Quellen geschildei*t. 8vo. Crefeld, 1810. Eyre : — [Views in] New South Wales. Two large coloured Panoramic Views of Sydney, drawn by [the Rev.] John Eyre, and engraved by Clark. London, 1st June, 1810. 1. View of Sydney, from the West Side of the Cove. 2. View of Sydney, from the East Side of the Cove. Subsequently produced with Mann's New South Wales, 1811. SkoriUuid : — Memoir of the Public Services of the late Captain John Shortland, R.N., with Portrait. — Naval Chronicle, vol. xxiv, pp. 1-21. . London, 1810* Digitized by Google