Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/72

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Ixu AN INTRODUCTORY of accident than design in this matter may be suspected from the fact that, notwithstanding Phillip's complaints, the very next transport brought a number of women whom the Judge- Advocate described as " loaded with the infirmities incident to old ago " (p. 278). How was Phillip to guard himself and the settlement against such a wrong ? There was nothing to arouse a suspicion in his mind while he was in England ; his faith in the ofiBciency of the service was implicit. Banks was equally trustful and con- fiding ; so in fact was every one else. It is always so in matters of administration ; things get into a groove, which every one takes to be the right one until a catastrophe happens, and then every one pretends to be shocked. Digitized by Google