Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/732

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608 ANALYTICAL Conititatioii of the ooloDjr under PhOlipb Order-in-Counca appointlnfr New Sooth Wales a place for traoepoctalioii, 461. Act of Parliament eetabliahioff the colony, 468. and dvil govenunent, 464. PhUIip'e Commieaion, 474. to remit eentencea, 642. Jnstmctiona, 481. nature and scope of his powers, 27-80, 488-9L Letters Patent constituting the Ooorta, 681» 687. administration of the colonies, 660. CosTieto Uatra and Yoang on traasportatloik to Hew South Wales, 7, 8, 428, 4SL official plan, 9. employment of convicts in Eofopeaa oofcyisa tlon, 12-16, 28, 878. English system, 14. Portuguese, 489. selling oonviots, Ui, 16. assignment, ih. transportation to America, 14-«), 880. total number sent, 18, 481-2. disappearance of convict element thers» 19. in Australia, Ixxii, 20. transportation to West Indies, 17. • number sent to New South Wales, SO, 46BL transportation to British North America^ 21. and to Africa, ib. Botany Bay selected for penal settleaieBt» 28. the King's speech, 28. on board the First Fleet, Iz, 84-87. negligence in organising, ib., 822, 844. women's clothing left behind, 62, 06. class of men sent, hd, 297, 814, 816, 880, 859, 800. and women, 206, 278, 838, 887. to Port PhUUp in 1808, 86 n. Phillip's views on management, 87-42. his first inspection, 62. Roman Oatholio oonvicts, 66-68. alarm of conspinu^, 61, 68. seizure of American ttansport, ib. health and conduct on the voyage, 62, 68» 66, 67, 71, 96-6, 806. health on arrial, 271. scurvy raging, ib. hospital tents filled, 822. no medical comforts, 822, 886, 846. thefirst hospital, 271 and note ; 292, 800, 822-8n. punishment in Phillip's time, 100-4, 207-10i in after years, 888. Pinchgut, 104. PhUUp's " litUe plan,*> 106, 858. defeated by the oflicers, 108-0, 292, 868, night-watch composed of convicts, 11^ arrest a soldier, ib. educated villains, 846. thefts of native canoes and q>ear8, 126. . murder by natives at Botany Bay, 126, ConTieti and at Bushoatters' Bay, SOL other cases, 297-8, 862. aHlgnment to free settlers, 148. employment in ezplofatioo, 167. effect of BUgh's boat voyage to Timor, 172L Bryant's escape, 172-8. first party sent to Norfolk Idand, 188-9S, Sn-2L second, 858. first party for Rose HUl, 854-6. the beU for church, 190. pathetic letter, 191, 52& fiogging a boy, 192. convicts as settlsBs, 196. parade at Norfolk Island, 204. trial of convicts, 218-7, 274, 889, 898, 899. sentenco— death or flogging, 214. death from hunger, 206. flogging a convict in presence of the natives, 251. the first play, 267. the firstparade, 862. Phillip's speedi, 268-6. the first marrisges, 866-6. the social evU, 266. the carpenters, 271, 841. the farmers, 276, 816-6, 886, 351, 872. females wanted, 277. attacked by natives, 297-8, 801, 841, 85L Phillip^s kindness, 102, 106, 804. overseers wanted, 815, 816, 826, 841, 858, 806. transportation pHwrs left behind, 819. no provision for return to England, 820. eeoape to the bosh, 820. dead and missing, 808. employed in work, ib. number victualled, ib. provisions on board the Fleet, 62-8-4-6-6, 70. at Sydney Cove, 844-5. children's aDowance, 844-6. bad tools, 846. moral results of convict system, 886-7, 400a. Cook geography of New HoDand in 1770, xzv-xzz. the library of the Endeavour, zzfi. mentions de Brasses, xzvii. proves Quires did not discover mainland, xxz. chief object of his first voyage, zxzL and his second, xzxvi, zxxviiL New Holland not Terra AustraUs, zzziii. explodes theory of southern continent, zxzvlii. mistake with respect to de Quiros, ib. describes Botany Bay, xL his meadows, xlii. Ptfron's reference to his description, xliiL his expeditions and their origin, 25. believed Van Diemen's Land to fonn part oC New Holland, 28 n, 175. his opinion accepted, 176. boundaries of New South Walss^ 8S-1L Digitized by Google