Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/746

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ANALYTICAL 622 ProTOst-Haxshal duties, Sb. left behind when the Fleet sailed, 60. deputy appointed by PhUlip at sea, 61. a military title, 817. QuiroB publication of his voyagre, xxv. 566. 572-S-6. supposed discovery of east coast shown on the charts, xxix, xxx. error corrected by Cook, xxL Callander's statement of his discovery, xxx. oik's impression with resj^ to Quires and the southern continent, xxxvlu. the last of the great Spanish swlors. xxxlx. the only navigator who sailed direct for Term Australis, lb. . .. long regarded as discoverer «' ^ew HoUsfld^. the east coast as shown on the French charts, xxvil, xxix,90n. error pointed out by Cook, »*.^ n. account given by Flinders of Q.'s' disoovwry, ib. name given by Qulros, xxxiv, 90. guppoeed reasons for it, 90 n. tr^ted by Dalrymple -the Australia del Espiritu Santo," 90. who followed Hakluyt, lb. later geographers misled by them »«. '«»^- not the originator of the name Australia, 91. Bellgion appointment of a chaplain suggested, 483. Phillip instructed to enforce, 485. and to celebrate pubUc worship, 486. provision for the purpose, 58, 839. the first chaplain, 58, 520. • • how he was appointed, 64 n. wants an order for a few Parish things, 520 n. his stipend, 339.' the first church, 68, 339. Phillip proposes to build a church, 888. never built, 339. reason, lb. two Roman Catholic priests volunteer, 64-6. apply for their passage only, 56. letter from one of them, 55. not answered, lb. . ^,. «, * three hundred Roman Catholics m the Fleet, 55. official indifference to religious matters, 56-0. ite consequences, lb, 429a. the Rev. Richard Johnson and his farm, 520 n, his Address to the Inhabitants, 683. the Rev. Samuel Marsdcn, 79. letter to Banks, lb. Bichxnond EiU discovered and named by Phillip, 149, 150. Tench's first view of it, 159. encounter with the natives there, 163. Sio de Janeiro arrival of the Fleet. 63. _ , ^ «, «  hosplUlity of the Portuguese, 63-4, 66, 65-9. Phillip in the Portuguese nsvy, 64, 496. knowledge of the language, 64. 60. hU reception compared with Cook's, 64. purchase of rum, 65-6. seeds and plants, 70. harbour compared with Port Jackson, 136. Bose Hill discovered and named by PhlUlp, 142. settlement, 142 and note, successful. 142-3. 364. PhlUip's house, 199, 354. the Crescent, 199 n. FhiUlp's description, 336, 854, 856. Major-Commandant of marines, 105, 521. lileutenant-Oovemor, 106, 5^. Judge of Uie Vice-Admiralty Court, 629. no Instructions to ensure his subordination, 36. 110,428a. «.«.«.^ persistent endeavours to embarrass the Gover- nor, lOfr-18. letters abusing PhlUip and the country, 106. twits him with being absent from duty on " parties of pleasure," 305. declhies to assist in exereisingmoi^ control over tiie convicts, 108-9. 292, 314-6, 262. instigates the officers to object to irit » iSjn>^ of^ie Criminal Court, 109, 110, 114. 293, 40S. desired by PhUlip to assemble officers in onier to take their opinions, 111, 415. the result, lb. threatens to use the bayonet, If soldiers arreslea by night-watch, 112. compels Phillip to modify his order, ib. promises to strain every nene in performing hi» duty, 114. quarrels with the Judge-Advocate, 115. with the adjutant and quarter-master, ib. places five members of a oourt-martlal und* wrest for not altering their sentence, U6. 293-4. 847-9. appUes for court-martial on a charge of d»- respect, 116, 347. withdraws the charge, 117, 849. ^„ . takes part In the quarrel between Campbell sod C«»lllns, 403. 410-3. friendship for Campbell, 110 n. 403, «». snubs the Judge-Advocate, 414. probable reason, 426a. accuses PhUlip of oppressive conduct, 417. caUed to account, 417-9. official Jealousy, 420. complahis of an insult. 421. on bad terms with PhUlip, 42Sa. desired to be a Uttie more guarded, 424a. offers promotion to the Judge-Advocatc, 425a. reason alleged, lb. probable resson, lb. Digitized by Google