next hath a man in armour, his sword hanging before him on a belt, his hands erected.
Hasset quarters Lowdham and Orton; Orton or Lowthe impales Heigham.
Hic iacet venerabilis bir Johannis Bleber hayset, Armiger, qui viresimo viiio die Mens: Novemb: Ao Dni. Mo bo r. cuius anime propicietur Deus.
On another stone: crest, a fox sedant on a wreath, under it, in a lozenge:
1. Hasset, Lowdham, Orton, Keldon, Skelton, Duke, frette - - - Lowthe.
2. Culpepper quartering - - - - a chevron between eleven martlets, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, impaling Hasset, and quarterings as before.
3. Bacon impaling Hasset and quarterings.
4. Hasset and quarterings.
5. Duke, with an annulet, quartering three pelicans vulning themselves, and - - - frette - - -
6. Orton.
Mariæ filiæ et hæredi unicæ Georgij Bleverhasset, Militis inaurati Enuptæ primo Thomæ Culpeper, Armigero, qui hic, postea Francisco Bacon, Armigero, Qui Petistiræ in Comitat: Suff. tumulatur, sine prole, Defuncte vii Septembr. 1587, Ætatis suæ, 70. Viduæ, Piæ, Castæ, Hospitali, Benignæ! Joannes Cornwaleis, et Joannes Bleverhasset, Memoriæ et amoris ergo posuerunt.
On a brass fixed to the north chancel wall:
Here under lyethe Thomazin Platers, Daughter of George Duke, Esquyer, and Wife to William Platers, Sonne t Heier of Thomas Platers of Soterley, Esquier, whiche Thomazin dyed the 23d day of December, in the second Yere of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lady Quene Elizabethe, Ao 1560.
Platers, arg. three bends wavy az.
Platers impaling Duke and his quarterings.
More towards the east, on the said wall, remains the impression of a brass effigies, and inscription now lost, but in a MSS. (marked E. 26, fol. 23.) in Mr. Anstis's hands we have the following account:
Platers's arms and Duke's:
Orate pro animabus Willi Platers et Thomazin uroris suæ filiæ Duke
As also of this, now lost:
Orate pro Domina Johanna Braham, vidua ur: Johns: Braham de Lowdham, Armigeri.
Braham impales Duke.
On a stone having the effigies of a woman in her winding sheet, bidding her beads:
Hic iaret