Page:History of Norfolk 1.djvu/363

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The badges of the red and white rose, of the pomegranate, of a lizard gul. his tongue or. Henry the Eighth's arms impaling Castile, Leon, and Granada.

Mr. John Wright bears, sab. on a chief or, three spears heads az. a chevron between three de-lises ar.

Stephen de Gissing and Lucy Manewaryn his wife, for 26s. in hand paid, by deed dated on St. Dunstan's day, in 1283, released to Simon Manewaryn and his heirs, all manner of actions that they might bring against him, for not building her houses in Herling, that she was to have had built for her, in lieu of part of her dower; and they bound themselves, their heirs, and executors, in 60s. penalty, that no such action should be brought, and subjected themselves to the Bishop of Norwich, or his Official, in this case, who should excommunicate them if the penalty was not paid; further obliging themselves to pay 100s. towards the relief of the Holy-Land, if ever any such action was brought; and to confirm it, they promised it before Sir Will. de Crungethorp, Knt. Master Elias Aliuue Cherche, rector of East-Herling, Sir Geffry de Gerbaudesham, chaplain, and others. I could not omit taking notice of this deed, the penalties being remarkable.

The market is on Tuesdays and not on Thursdays, as the Atlas, and the late Description of the Diocese of Norwich (which is chiefly a transcript from thence) tell you, though it is right, as to its being chiefly for linen yarn, and cloth, the manufacture of this part of the county.

This town, in 1603, had 223 communicants, and now [1736] there are about 400 inhabitants. It paid 6l. 6s. 8d. tenths, and is now assessed at 638l. 11s. 8d. to the land tax.


Is the next town eastward of Herling; the church of this village is dedicated to St. Andrew the Apostle, and is a rectory discharged of first fruits and tenths.


60 acres.

It is in Rockland deanery, and Norfolk archdeaconry, hath a rectory-house, and 60 acres 1 rood and 16 perches of glebe. It was valued in the Norwich taxation at 10 marks, and the temporals of the Prior of Bokenham were taxed at 6s. 8d.


Will. de Swannington,