Page:History of Norfolk 5.djvu/209

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On a brass plate at the east end of the nave,

Orate pro animabus Johnnis Smith. et Margeir wroris eius qui Johnnes Obiit rbiiio die Mensis Febru' Ao Oni: Moccco lrrir. quorum animabus propicietnr Deus Amen.

Weever, fo. 814, gives us these two, which are now lost:

Orate pro animabus Johannis Bocher et Margarete Uroris eius quorum animabus tc.

Orate pro anima Thome Drake qui obiit Ao Dni. Moccccolrrrr.

At the east end of the chancel against the north wall, is erected a very sumptuous monument, on the altar part of which are the cumbent effigies of Judge Reve and his lady, in their proper proportions and habits; he in his judge's robes, with a roll in one hand, and the other under his head; she, with a book in her left hand, and her head supported by two cushions.

Crest, on a wreath O. B. two wings conjoined of the 1st.

Reve, az. a chevron between three pair of wings conjoined and elevated or, impaling sab. on a chevron between three griffins heads erased or, three stars of six points gul.


Non Ordinis Equestris, Trabeæque Judicis, auctus est Honoribus, quos, eminente Dignitate, ac eruditione Syncera, fecerit ad altiores Gradus ascendere Virtutis, ad istos ipse non ascenderat.

Quippe fuit,

In Templo Pietati devotissimus, in Aulâ conspicuus, et Officiosè Prudens; In Foro, Gravitate perspicax, Palam in obvios humanus et humilis, in Familiâ placidè liberalis, apud Mensam hopitio munificus, in Conclavi, studio deditus & Theologiæ, in Republicâ turbulentâ tranquillè pacificus, in Concubitû Castitate Reverendus, Sanctitate venerandus in Occubitû.

Quit fuit,

Unicè Regi dilectus, ob Fidem exploratissimæ probitatis Palamento compertus, heroicâ magnanimitate colendus, a Proceribus, a Plebe, celebrandus Æquitate judicandi, Sanctimoniâ, Clero suspieiendus ad Exemplar, Integritate summâ. Populo commendandus, â Locupletibus habitus in Pretio, quod Res eorum partas assererat, ab Egenis, in precibus, quod suas erogaret.


Perterrefacere non potuit Insolentiâ Vulgi, nec allicere valuerunt Aulæ Lenocinia, quo communia placita desereret, (uti alij) neque furiarum tot millia civilium Gladijs strictis Efficere, Justitiæ Gladium exuere, sed ejus operâ (pennis Hastæ dum frustrà minantur) inter arma, non siluere leges.

Unus Ille,

Pauperibus æquè ac Divitibus, eâdem manû nunquam fatigatâ, Bilancem ostendit in Equilibrio, Pondera deinceps imposuit, reposuitque ad Sacoma dextrâ candidissimâ, in Examen oculum intendit