"Roger [Bygot] Erle of Norfolke in the Tyme of Kyng Edward the first, had non Heirs of his Body, and the seid Edward had iij Sonnes, whereof oon was Edward, which was sethen King Edw. the second with the long Shanks; the second Sonne was Thomas of Brothirton; the 3d. Sonne was Edmond, the which Edward the Fader, thought that his Son Edward schuld be his Heir, and Kyng after hyn, and so he was, and Thomas of Brodirton, and Edmond his other Sones, schuld no Lyfelod have, but he get to hem; and in that Tyme, the Erle. Sire Roger Bigott Erle of Norfolke, and his Wif, come to London to the Parliament, in gay and gret Aray, and with gret Peple that passid his Estate, and the Kyng and the Lordis of this Lond, in that Tyme hadden gret Envye thereof, and the Kyng cast a Wrath to the seid Sere Roger, and arested hym, and put hym in strong Hold, sayng he was a Traitor, to that Entent, for to do hym yelden up his Londes into the Kyngs Hond, that he schuld thereof don his Will; and the seid Ser Roger was in gret Distres, many Day and long, and at the last, to be in Ese and in Rest, he gaf up all his Londes into the Kynges Hond that he schald thereof don his Will; and thenne the Kyng havyng thereof seson, of his speciall Grace grauntid agen, all the seid Londes to the seid Sire Roger Bigott, and to his Wif, to holden Terme of their Lifes, and after their Disses to remeyndre to Thomas of Brodirton, the second Son of the seid Kyng Edward the first, and to the Heirs of his Body; the which Thomas Brodirton, after the Deth of the seid Sir Roger Bigott, and of his Wife, possessed thes Londs, and was Erle of Norfolke. And the Kyng gaf to Edmond his thirde son, the Erldom of Kent, with the Londes; and the seid Thomas Brodirton Erle of Norfolke, cam doun into Norfolke, and ther he wedded a Knygthis Doughter, fast be Bungey, and thei hadden togedir ij Dowters, of the which, oon hight Margeret, and the toder hight [Alice, who had a Daughter] which was married to oon Ser Wil. Ufford Erle of Suffolk; the forseid Margaret and [Alice] Dowters of Thomas Brothirton Erle of Norf. after the Decesse of the seid Thomas, possessed and hadden all his Londes, and it wern partid between them to; and after the seid [Alice] Wif of (Edward) Montagew deid; and hire (Part) fell to here Dowter (Joan) Wif of Ufford Erle of Suthfolk; and after that, the seid Lady Ufford Countes of Suff. deied without Heirs, and all here Part thanne fell unto the forseid Margaret Dowter of the seid Thomas Brothirton, and sche was thenne Cuntese mad of Norff. and dwellid at the Castell of Framelingham, and sche was married to the Lorde Segrave, and the seid Lorde Segrave gaf to hire, whenn he schuld wedden here, all his Londis, to hir and to hire Heirs; and thei hadden togeder ij Dowters, wherof oon (Anne) was Abbesse of Berkyng, and (Elizabeth) the todir, was married to the Lord Mowbrey and Gower; and after that, the Lord Segrave deied, and thenn Dame