courage to say if he dies for it, "She is a fine figure of a woman."
Another style sat bolt upright, never moving a muscle of his body, contenting himself with blinking slowly and mildly at a neighboring chignon as much as to say: "Can these things be and not overcome us?" etc. Considering the conflict that must have been going on in his mind, I felt that this behavior was very decorous and subdued.
One Hour
From the New Northwest, October 27, 1871
Inscribed to B. W. M.
Who was B. W. M., to who she returns in pensive retrospect as one of the reactions from her broken marriage? Joaquin Miller had had a squaw wife before her. Does this poem indicate that Minnie Myrtle also had had a first love other than the poet? The last initial does not fit her second husband, who was a Mr. Logan of Portland.