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one of my servants came and told me, that an officer of the Caliph’s asked for me. I rose from the table, and went to him. “The Caliph,” says he, "he sent me to tell you, that he must speak with you.” I followed the officer to the palace. where being presented to the Caliph, I saluted him by prostrating myself at his feet. “Sindbad, says he to me “I stand in need of you: you must do me the service to carry my answer and present to the king of Serendib. It is but just I should return his civility.

I prepared for my departure in a few days, and as soon as the Caliph’s letter and present was delivered to me, I went to Balsora, where I embarked and had a very prosperous voyage. I arrived at the isle of Serendib, where I acquainted the kings ministers with my commission, and prayed them to get me speedy audience. They did so and I was conducted to the palace in an honourable manner, where I saluted the king by prostration, according to custom.

The king of Serendib was mightily pleased that the Caliph answered his friendship. A little time after tehis audience I solicited leave to depart, and obrained the same with much difficulty.

I got it however at last, and the king when he discharged me, made me a very considerable present I embarked immediately to return to Bagdad but had not the good fortune to arrive there as I hoped. God ordered it otherwise.

three or four days after my departure, we were attacked by Corsairs, who easily seized upon our ship, because it was no vessel of force. Some of the crew offering resistance, which cost them their lives But for me and the rest, who were not so imprudent, the Corsairs spared us on purpose to make slaves of us.

I fell into the hands of a rich merchant, who as soon as he bought me, carried me to his house,