Page:History of Stearns County, Minnesota; volume 1.pdf/24

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The agricultural neighborhoods are the scenes of peace, prosperity and contentment. The homes are substantially built, and furnished with the comforts and conveniences of modern life; stock is humanely housed and well pastured; the farm land is extensively tilled and productive; and the churches and schools which are seen on every side testify to an interest in the higher things of life by a law-abiding, progressive and prosperous people.

It is indeed in its men and women, rather than in its factories and commerce, its grains and vegetables, its live stock and fruits, that Stearns county takes its greatest pride. From her cities, from her villages and from her farms have gone forth those who have taken an important part in the activities of the world, and who, whether in commerce or diplomacy, in the professions or in the trades, have maintained that steadfastness of purpose, and staunchness of character, that mark true Stearns county men and women wherever they may be found.

Unusually blessed by nature with deep soil and abundant natural resources, and endowed with a wealth of historic and prehistoric lore, the county is a fitting home for the sturdy people who have here made their dwelling place. Hard-working, progressive, educated and prosperous, they have appreciated the gifts which nature has spread for them, and have added their own toil, and the fruit of their intellect, to the work of the elements, making the county one of the beautiful spots of the earth. On the slopes graze cattle and sheep, while the tilled lands respond to the efforts of the spring time sower and planter with a wealth of harvest in the summer and autumn. ON nearly every quarter section is reared a comfortable home and commodious barns, while from the crest of every swell of land are visible the churches and schools wherein the people worship the Giver of All Gifts and educate their children. Thus blessed by God and beloved by man, the county, today, stands for all that is ideal in American life, and is forging ahead to wider influence and more extended opportunity.

Stearns county, surpassed by few lands in the state for the fertility of its soil; its bountiful supply of timber and pure water; its numerous water powers; its diversified surface of hills, valleys and rolling prairies; and its adaptation to every variety of agricultural product has furnished to the citizens material wisely improved by them for substantial wealth, good homes and sound public institutions, economically and prudently administered; where law and good order, industry and sobriety have always been upheld and observed; where the comforts and provisions for the enjoyment of life are evenly distributed, and where, in the future, as in the past, "peace and happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety, will be established throughout all generations."

Situation and Area. Stearns county is situated a short distance south of the center of Minnesota, on the west side of the Mississippi river. It is the largest county in the south half of the state. St. Cloud, its largest city, and county seat, is about sixty and seventy-five miles northwest, respectively, from Minneapolis and St. Paul. Sauk Centre, the second town in importance, is forty miles west-northwest from St. Cloud. The length of Stearns county from east to west, measured from Clearwater to its west line is fifty-two