Since Chapter V. was printed information has been received from the Colonial Office, through the instrumentality of the Registrar-General Mr. M. A. C. Fraser, which suggests that the Parmelia first sighted the Western Australian coast on the 1st June, 1829. Captain Fremantle left the Cape of Good Hope in the Challenger for Swan River on 20th March, and on 25th April anchored off Garden Island. On 27th April the Challenger entered Cockburn Sound, and struck on a sunken rock without suffering any ill effects. On 2nd May possession was taken of the west coast of New Holland, the flag being hoisted on the south head of the Swan River, and not on the north head as stated in page 39. Captain Fremantle sighted the Parmelia on 1st June, and on 2nd June that vessel entered the Sound and struck on the Parmelia rock. On 8th June the Sulphur (see page 42) anchored in the Sound and sent some troops to relieve Captain Fremantle's party on the mainland on 17th June. It is to be supposed that Captain Stirling, the Lieutenant-Governor, landed on the south head of the Swan on that or the following day.