Page:History of West Australia.djvu/521

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One of the large buildings to be erected was the Daily News newspaper office, the plans of which Mr. Trigg prepared. At the time of its erection it was the only building of special architectural merit in the colony. With the advent of prosperity, people who were previously content with very modest edifices grew more particular, and demanded large houses and immense stores. There was a rush of orders for architects, and particularly for Mr. Trigg. In every part of the city are monuments of his work, and perhaps the most notable is the Congregational Church in St. George's Terrace. The façade is a vigorous treatment in American Romanesque, and shows the magnificent building off to advantage. The acoustic properties are excellent, and the whole edifice is equal to the best ecclesiastical buildings in Australia. Another structure designed by him is the office of the Commercial Union Insurance Company in St. George's Terrace, which is perhaps the handsomest of its kind in the colony. Of other of his buildings are Sandover's, in the Italian style of architecture, the Royal Hotel in French Renaissance, and the Governor Broome Hotel in American Romanesque. Mr. Trigg's practice is not confined to the metropolis; it extends to all parts of the colony. Visitors to Geraldton have to thank him for that splendid structure known as "The Freemasons," which is one of the chief adornments of that port. Mr. Trigg, who was married in 1881 to Miss Rodgers, daughter of Mr. I. Rodgers of Perth, has a charming abode at Claremont, known as "The Grange." Of his own design, the house is built for a semi-tropical climate, with fine broad verandahs, high ceilings, &c.

His faith in Western Australia is abundantly manifested in the valuable real estate he owns in the colony. His buildings just erected in Barrack Street are an ornament to the city. He is a typical Australian—acute, enterprising, and genial.


THE name of Davies has been prominently associated with Western Australia almost from the foundation of the colony. Davies père arrived here very shortly after Captain Stirling, and embarked in mercantile pursuits. He was lucky in his investments, and as he participated in the advantages that the early settlers enjoyed of obtaining property at low prices he amassed, if not a fortune, a competence which enabled him to pass the eve of his life free from the worries of business. The family name is being handed down to posterity by the sons, one having occupied a seat in the Legislative Council of his country, and the other, with whom we are now dealing, having for many years been a leading light in the local municipal world and also in commerce.

Photo by
Nixon & Merrilees.

George Alfred Davies was born in Fremantle in 1846. After his school days, which were ended when he was seventeen years of age, he entered his father's office, and remained with him for ten years, securing a thorough business training. He then struck out for himself, opening in business at the Grosvenor Cellars, in High and Bannister Streets, Fremantle, as a wine and spirit merchant. His Grosvenor wines are famous all over the colony, and the demand for them is so great that Mr. Davies is compelled to buy the grape crops of other vignerons in order to supply the demand for his wines. The cellars are large and extensive, and replete with every convenience for the bottling of the precious liquid.

Mr Davies is among the well-known men of Western Australia, and has been associated with the Fremantle Council either as a councillor or auditor for the last twenty-eight years. His knowledge of municipal affairs has obtained for him the dignified office of mayor. The duties pertaining to the position during his term of office were exceptionally onerous, but so well did he discharge them that when his term expired he was asked to allow himself to be nominated again. This, however, Mr. Davies would not sanction, for, in addition to the duties being a great call upon his time, he is a firm believer in the policy of distributing the honours attached to so important an office.

Long before the majority of people dreamt that Fremantle would ever assume the dignity of being a leading seaport in Australia, Mr. Davies realised that it had a great future. From his seat in the council he strenuously advocated the improvement of the town, and to him is due much of the credit of the systematic manner in which it is laid out. Had it not been for the foresight of Mr. Davies and his colleagues, many of the reserves and beauty spots around Fremantle would have fallen into the hands of private owners, and been lost to the ratepayers. Now, however, these reserves, which have been dedicated to the public for recreation purposes, are rapidly undergoing transformation, and will ere long be laid out in beautiful gardens and lawns, and