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Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 3.djvu/1077

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History of Woman Suffrage.
  • 1875. A lady first elected as poor-law guardian (Miss Merington, in Kensington), April .... Albemarle Club opened for ladies and gentlemen, May 29...Newnham College, Cambridge, opened .... Employment of Women Office, opened in Brighton .... Female clerkships in Post-Office Savings Bank .... Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland admitted women to examinations .... Madras Medical School opened to women .... First woman lawyer's office opened in London (Miss Orme) .... Metropolitan and National Nursing Association formed .... Women delegates from women's unions first admitted to Trades Congress in Glasgow, October.
  • 1876. Admission of women to Manchester New College, February 9 .... First qualified woman pharmacist established in London (Miss Isabella Clarke) .... Plan— tracing office for women opened (Miss Crosbie) .... Employment of Women Office, opened in Glasgow .... Scholarship for women established in Bristol.University College .... British Women's Temperance Association commenced .... Passing of the act, known as Russell-Gurney's act, enabling universities: to admit women to degrees, August .... Resolutions of King and Queen's: College of Physicians in Ireland to confer medical degrees on women; five ladies passed their examinations and received degrees in the following spring .... A memorial, signed by 45,000 women, presented to the queen on behalf of the Bulgarians.
  • 1877. Teachers, Training and Registration Society inaugurated, February 2 .... Trinity College, London, decided to throw open its musicial examinations to women .... St.Andrew's University offered "Literate in Arts" degrees to women .... A bill to amend the Married Women's Property Law (Scotland) passed; came into force January 1, 1878 .... International Congress on Public Morality met at Geneva, September .... Admission of women medical students to the Royal Free Hospital, October 1 .... Manchester and Salford College for women (now affiliated to the Victoria University) opened, October.
  • 1878. Society to extend the knowledge of law among women started .... Matrimonial Causes Amendment act passed; a clause being inserted by Lord Penzance: enabling magistrates to grant a judicial separation to women if brutally treated by their husbands, a maintenance to be given them, and the children to remain under their mother's care .... Admission of women to London University degrees and examinations, July 1 .... Intermediate Education act, Ireland; participation of girls in its benefits.
  • 1879. Victoria University charter grants degrees to women .... Oxford, Somerville and Lady Margaret Halls opened, October .... Nine ladies elected on London school-board, November .... Pharmaceutical Society admits women as members, October .... Order of St.Katherine for nurses established .... School for wood-engraving and one for wood-carving established.
  • 1880. Charter of Irish University gives degrees to women .... Demonstration of women in Manchester in favor of the suffrage, February 3 followed by London, Bristol and Nottingham in the same year .... Bill to give further protection to little girls under 13 passed .... Mason College in Birmingham founded; equal facilities to girls and boys .... First lady B.A. in London University, October .... Melbourne University matriculates women, March 22 .... The Burial bill gives women the right to conduct funeral services .... The House of Keys in the Isle of Man passed women's suffrage for women.who are owners of property, November 5.
  • 1881. Suffrage bill in the Isle of Man received royal assent January 5; seven hundred women are electors; general election began March 21 .... Cambridge University admits women students to formal examinations by a vote of 398 against 32, February 24 .... Durham University votes that women may become members.
  • 1881. Sydney University (New South Wales) admits women to matriculation and degrees .... New Zealand University confers title of M.A. on a woman, August .... Poor-law Guardian Association for promoting the election of ladies established, March; seven ladies elected in London .... Somerville Club for women opened .... Women clerks admitted to the civil service by open competition .... Municipal Franchise act for Scotland, passed June 3; came into operation January I, 1882 .... Married Women's Property act for Scotland, passed July 18.