Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1185

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  • Democracy, disbelief in, xxvi, 179, 277; wom. suff. asked in name of, 372; U. S. not a, 374.
  • Democrats, enfranch. workingmen, XV; 143; in Calif., 488-9; in Col. 516; in S. Dak., 555; in Ida., 500-2; in Ils., 605-6; in Ind., 617; in Kas., 647, 650-3; in Mass., 724; in Mich., 755; in N. Y., 847-9, 872; in Utah, 953 et seq.; in Wash., 971; in Congress on Wy., 978. See Conventions.
  • Dentistry, women in, 4643; 700.
  • Disfranchisement, degradation of, Miss Anthony on, 27; 44; 73; 83; 107; Mrs. Stanton on, 133; 151; 172; great sp. of Mrs. Stanton on, 176; 195; 196; Mrs. Merrick on, 243; 255; men wd. not endure, 373; same, 375.

— disadvantages of, 41; 423; 45; 46; 73; 79; 138-9; 190; 195; 196; to women wage-earners, 312; same, 377; 3593; 365; 3733 379.

  • District Of Columbia, gift and trib. to Miss Anthony on 8oth birthday, 399. See chapter on D. C.
  • Divorce, 68; 100; 103; national law, women should have voice in, 165; evolution of, 297; in Wyoming, 362; in Wy., S. D. and Ok., 460.
  • Domestic, household demands on women, 209; too much housekeeping, 210; future domestic service, 210; effect of domestic life on women, 258; home life of woman suffragists, 279; what home means, 285; woman's position in the home, 292; husbands do not support wives, 171, 208, 311; home vs. factory work, 311; college women and home, 358; need of trained work, 358 See also Domestic undet Suffrage.
  • Donors, to Hist. of Wom. Suff., v, vii; to Int'l. Council of Wom., 126; Mrs. Southworth, 257; Miss Anthony, 287; in Conn., 536; in Ga., 582; Mrs. Avery, 642; in N. Y., 840. — women, for education, 356; in Calif., 507; in La., 688; in Md., 700.
  • Dower. See Laws in each State chapter.
  • Dress, descrip. of delegates', 56; of Miss Anthony at conv. of '90, 1733 on 8oth birthday, 403-4.
  • Education, higher education of women, résumé of, 463, and in each State chapter under head of Education, beginning 465.

— majority would never consent to, Xxll; statistics of, xxx; same, 18; 5,000 teachers in Ind. ask for ballot, 37; educated women will not stand subjection, 44; educated women deprived of ballot, 74; intellectual capacity of women, 90; 101; more than some Senators, 113; woman senior wrangler at Cambridge, 176; a century ago, 192; training of girl of future, 200; easily obtained, 292, 316; Mrs. Sewall on Govt. no right to educate women and refuse them representation, 307; its effects shown in Amer. women at Int'l. Council in London, 353; woman's from beginning of century, obstacles, direful predictions, 354-6; health of women graduates, 355; women on Faculties, 355; donations of women to, 356, 507; must lead to suff., 356; effect on domestic life, 357; Catholic, 464; same, 575; in Gr. Brit., 1024. See also Donors, Illiteracy, Public Schools, Universities.

  • Electorate, character of, xxiii; elements needed, xxvi; what composed of, 23, 37, 39, 68, 81, 138, 148, 195, 258, 260, 310, 324, 371, 415; in oe 514; in S. D., 556; in Wash., 1008.
  • Enrollment, Nat'l., for wom. suff., 137; 878. See Petitions.
  • Equal Rights, Association for, 14; demand for by Int'l. Council, 136; they belong to women, no thanks to men, 146; crime of denying to women, Mr. Foulke on, 167. See Progress of.
  • Europe, wom. suff. in countries of. See chapter on, 1038.
  • Federal Suffrage, argument for, 6 et seq.; Miss Anthony on, 10; 78; Sen. Blair on, 145; 201; 218; 234.
  • Federation of Women's Clubs, legis. work, 452. See closing paragraph in various State chapters, beginning 465, and also page 1050.
  • Flags, at conv. of '94, 221; Col. presents one to Miss Anthony, 222-3; at conv. of '95, 236; flag not desecrated by four stars, 278; golden flag presented to Miss A., 400.
  • Foreigners. See Immigrants.
  • Foreign Countries. wom. suff. in. See Chap. LXXIV.
  • France, wom. suff. in, 343, 1040; eminent advocates, 1084.
  • Georgia, curiosities in, 228; nat'l. suff. conv. in Atlanta, 236; illiterate vote, 246. See State chapter.