Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1187

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  • Indirect Influence, needs responsibility, 55; 96-7; suff. would destroy, 107; 168; 517.
  • Individuality of woman, suff. a guarantee of, 82; should not be allowed to wives, 100; Mrs. Stanton on right to, 189; Rev. Anna Howard Shaw on, 230, 361; Mrs. Spencer on, 328; new civilization will recognize, 336; 418.
  • Iowa, reasons for refusing suff. amd't., xxi; nat'l. conv. in Des Moines, 270; noted speakers before Legis., 279. See State chapter.
  • Ireland, wom. suff. in, 343; wom. on school and poor law bds., 368. See chapter on Great Britain.
  • Isle Of Man, wom. suff. in, 1025.
  • Journalism, xxv; wom. in, 154; early women writers, 205; women in at Paris expos., 343; first, 695.
  • Juries, women should serve on, 38; 45; 51; in Wy., 68; men's obligations, 94; Senators discuss, 104, 106; need of women on, 182; women and jury duty in Ida., 596; in Utah, 955, 1089; in Wash., 422, 968, 1008, 1091; in Wy., 1008.
  • Kansas, grants Municipal Suff. to women, xv; xxi; xxix; treatment of women, 199; suff. work of Nat'l. Ass'n. in, 220; descript. of nat'l. delegates, 221-2; first constit'n. recognizes rights of women, 407; Amer. Ass'n. meets in Topeka, 417; early work in, 418, 419; Mrs. Howe's plea for suff. in, 419. See State chapter and Statistics.
  • Labor, disabilities of women, 41; relation of wom. suff. to, 70; same, 79; suff. has no influence on price of, 98; wage-earning women should marry, 98; need of ballot for working women, 115; same, 122; Knights of Labor indorse wom. suff., 123; dignifies woman, 162; immoral women come from domestic life, 162; husband does not "support" wife, 171, 208, 311; man's material achievements, 171; not woman's curse, 171; degradation of woman's labor, 177; organizations favor wom. suff., 184; indust. emancip. women, by Carroll D. Wright, have not taken men's work, new economic factor, leads to suff., 213; suff. demanded for working women, 216; .women stenographers, 228; women wage-earners in Fla.. 240; Florence Kelley on labor unions and working woman's need of ballot, 311; disfranch. women an injury to labor unions, 312; Fed. of Labor greets Nat'l. Suff. Ass'n., let. from Pres. Gompers, equal pay for wom., 334; ass'n. returns thanks, 344; entrance of women into unions and effect on suff., 349; appeal of Nat'l. Fed. for wom. suff. in '99, 359; Miss Laughlin on statistics of wage-earning women, need of ballot, 360; ancient opp. to, 361; working woman's great disadvantage, 377; wages of men and wom., 379; 425; Nat'l. Fed. petit. for wom. suff. in 1900 after appeal from Miss Anthony. Nat'l. Bldg. and Trades Council, same, Int'l. Bricklayers' and Masons', same, 446; organizations for wom. suff., 448; K. of L. declare for, 568. See Statistics.
  • Labor Organizations, for wom. suff. See above, also in Col., 514-16; in S. D., 556; in Ills., 602-4; 652; in Mass., 711-14-33; in Minn., 782; in N. J., 821; in N. Y., 850; in Ore, 893; in R. L., 917; in Wash., 974.
  • Law, first woman admitted to practice before U. S. Sup. Ct., 33; second, 57; contest of Mrs. Bradwell in Ills. and U. S. Sup. Ct. 152; contest in Cal., 507; in Ind., 626; in Md., 700; in Mich. to be pros. atty., 770; in N. J., 833; in Penn., 904; Woman's Coll. of, 574; first woman to apply to practice, 609; first coll. to graduate a woman, 610. See also State chapters under Occupations. — women in, send trib. to Miss Anthony on 8oth birthday, 308. — Common, 33; 49; 159; résumé of and changes made, 454-8; 464; in N. Y., 865.

— Constitutional, bar to wom. suff., xiv, XV; 371.

  • Laws For Women, résumé of, 453-8.

— Property, for women, secured by a few, xxiii; in Ky., 15; wife is moneyless, 40: inevitably one-sided, 198; nine-tenths relate to property, 200; uncertain for women, 255; in Ills., 276; women could secure good laws with suffrage, 424; present status, far from just to women, 456-8: Dower and Curtesy, 457; Guardianship of Children, and liability of "head of family" for support, 458; Divorce, and the various causes for, 459; Age of Protection, 460. See each State chapter under head of Legislative Action and Laws. For Great Britain, 1021.