Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1211

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  • Jennings, Gov. William S. (Fla.), 579.
  • Johns, Laura M., 149; 156; 164; 174; on work in Kas., 220; at conv. of '94, 221; 224; 248; 263; in Idaho, 284; conv. of 1900, 367; work in Ariz., 470-1; 513; in N. D., 546; in S. D. camp'n., 555; in Idaho camp'n., 591; in Iowa, 631; assists on Kas. chap., 638; work in Kas., 639 et al.; suggests yellow ribbon suff. badge, 640; describes Mrs. Diggs' sp., 646; legis. work, 650; in Boston, 706; 762; in Minn., 773; in Mo., 790-1; in N. M., 835; in Ok., 887.
  • Johnson, Addie M., 632; writes Mo. chap., 790; work in Mo., 791 et al.
  • Johnson, Adelaide, 216.
  • Johnson, Martin N., M. C., 189; 546.
  • Johnson, Mrs. Rossiter, opposes wom. suff., 382; 863.
  • Jones, J. Elizabeth, 275.
  • Jones, U. S. Sen. James K., 111; opp. wom. suff., 1002.
  • Jones, Jenkyn Lloyd, 70s.
  • Jones, Gov. John P. (Nev.), recom. wom. suff. amd't., 813.
  • Jones. Mrs. W. H., polit. del. . 430.
  • Jordan, David Starr, pres. Stanford Univ., 480; for wom. suff., 483.
  • Julian, George W., M. C., 23; for wom. suff., 614.
  • Julian, Laura Giddings, 61; 410.


  • Kansas, names for, Chap. XL.
  • Kearney, Belle, at conv. of '98, 293; in Miss., 789; in N. C., 874.
  • Keating, Martha A.,
  • Keefer, Bessie Starr (Canada), 136; 140.
  • Keifer, J. Warren, M. C., 31; sp. for wom. suff., 32.
  • Keith, Mrs. William A., 479 et al.
  • Kelley, Florence, 23; working wom. need ballot, 311; secures factory inspec. law, 604; 608.
  • Kelley, William D., M. C., spks. at suff. conv., 147; 174.
  • Kellogg, Atty.-Gen. L. B. (Kas.), 433; 656; 762.
  • Kelly, Abby (See Foster).
  • Kelsey. Mary Atwater, 323.
  • Kelsey, St. Rep. Otto, for wom. suff. in N. Y. Legis., 860 et seq.
  • Kent, Rev. Alexander, wom. and Hebrew scriptures, 146.
  • Kentucky, names for, Chap. XLI.
  • Kepley, Ada H., first wom. law grad., 610.
  • Ketcham, Emily B., 235; conv. of 99, 322-3; work in Mich., 755 et al.
  • Keyser, Harriette A., 256; 263.
  • Kilgore, Carrie-Burnham, contest for right to prac. law in Penn., 904.
  • Kimball, Flora M., 345; work in Cal., 496.
  • Kimball, Sarah M., 345.
  • Kimber. Helen L., 644 et al.; 774.
  • King, Henrietta, largest cattle owner, 934.
  • King, William H., M. C., 941.
  • Kingman, Judge John W., wom. suff. in Wy., 1092.
  • Kingsbury, Elizabeth A., 494.
  • Klock, St. Rep. Frances S. (Col.), 521.
  • Knox, Dr. Janette Hill, writes chap. for N. D., 544; 551.
  • Knaggs, May Stocking, at conv. of 96, 255; of '99, 324; writes Mich. chap., 755; work in Mich., 756 et al.
  • Kollock, Rev. Florence (See Crooker).
  • Korany, Hanna (Syria), 221; 228.
  • Krog, Gina (Norway), 1041.
  • Krout, Mary H., 613.
  • Kyle, U. S. Sen. James H., for wom. suff., 559.


  • Lake, Leonora M. Barry, 164; 509; 516.
  • Lamar, Gov. W. B. (Fla.), 578.
  • Langford, Sup. Judge Wm. G. (Wash.), 1098.
  • Langhorne, Orra, old-time South. wom., 212; 228; work in Va., 964.
  • Lapham, U. S. Sen. Elbridge G., 12; 36; rep. in favor of wom. suff., 47; 89; 174.
  • Laughlin Gail, wage-earning wom., 360; 361; 739.
  • Lauterbach. Hon. Edward, sp. for wom. suff., 852.
  • Lawrence, Margaret Stanton, 163.
  • Leach, Antoinette D., suit to practice law in Ind., 626.
  • Lease, Mary E., 617; 657.
  • Le Barthe, St. Rep. Eurithe (Utah), 953.
  • Lee, St. Rep. Frances S. (Col.), 523.
  • Leedy, Gov. John W. (Kas.), 657.
  • Leggett, Lucy A., 323.
  • Leonard, Clara T., 107; 721.
  • Leonard, Emily J., 410.
  • Levanway, Dr. Charlotte, 345.
  • Lewelling, Gov. L. D. (Kas.), opp. wom. suff., 645; 657.
  • Lewis, Helen Morris, 263; 696; in S. C., 922.
  • Lewis, Hon. Isaac C., 536.
  • Lincoln, President Abraham, 305; favors wom. suff., 1075.