Greetings from | |
Business Women | |
Lillian M. Hollister | |
Colored Women | |
Coralie Franklin Cook | |
District Equal Suffrage Association. | |
Ellen Powell Thompson | |
Greetings from the Enfranchised States: | |
Wyoming | |
Helen M. Warren | |
Colorado | |
Virginia Morrison Shafroth | |
Utah | |
Emily S. Richards | |
Idaho | |
Mell C. Woods | |
Love's Rosary (poem) | |
Lydia Avery Coonley-Ward | |
Greeting from Elizabeth Cady Stanton | |
Harriot Stanton Blatch | |
Greeting from the National American Suffrage Association | |
Rev. Anna Howard Shaw | |
Response | |
Susan B. Anthony |
To Susan B. Anthony.
The gibe and ridicule and social frown,That through long years her faithful life assailed,Are dead and vanished; as a queen now hailed,Upon her reverend brow rests Honor's crown,A faith that faced all adverse fortune down,A courage that in trial never failed,A scorn of self that grievous weight entailed,Have blossomed into laurels of renown.As, after days of bitter storm and blast,The chilling wind becomes a breeze of balm,Billows subside, and sea-tossed vessels castTheir anchors in the restful harbor calm,So this brave life has gained its haven blest,Bathed in the sunset glories of the west.Wm. Lloyd Garrison.
Birthday Celebration Committee:
Carrie Chapman Catt, Chairman, New York.
Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Pennsylvania.
Harriet Taylor, Upton, Ohio.
Emily M. Gross, Illinois.
Frances P. Burrows, Michigan.
Helen M. Warren, Wyoming.
Lucy E. Anthony, Pennsylvania.
Harriot Stanton Blatch, England.
May Wright Sewall, Indiana.
Mary B. Cray, Kentucky.
Rachel Foster Avery, Pennsylvania.
Every large newspaper in the country had a description of what might be properly considered an event of national interest. The Washington Post said: "The program, though a long one,