music, and, as they reached the spot where Miss Anthony sat, each child deposited a blossom in her lap, a rose for every year. It was a surprise so complete, so wonderfully beautiful, that for a few moments she could do nothing more than grasp the hand of each child. Then she began kissing the little people, and the applause which greeted this act was deafening. The roses were distributed among the pioneers at the close of the exercises by her request.
Mrs. Coonley-Ward of Chicago gave an eloquent poem, entitled Love's Rosary, which closed as follows:
Behold our Queen! Surely with heart elateAt homage given to her love and power,World-famed associate of the wise and great,She is herself the woman of the hour.
How kindly have the years all dealt with her!She proves that Bible promises are true;She waited on the Lord without demur,And He failed not her courage to renew.
Oft on the wings of eagles she uprose;On mercy's errands have her glad feet run;And yet no sign of weariness she shows;She does not faint, but works from sun to sun.
Deep in her eyes burn fires of purpose strong;Her hand upholds the sceptre of God's truth;Her lips send forth brave words against the wrong;Glows in her heart the joy of deathless youth.
Kindly and gentle, learned too, and wise;Lover of home and all the ties of kin;Gay comrade of the laughing lips and eyes;Give us new words to sing your praises in.
Yet let us rather now forget to praise,Remembering only this true friend to greet,As drawing near by straight and devious ways,We lay our hearts—love's guerdon—at her feet.
Blow, O ye winds across the oceans, blow!Go to the hills and prairies of the West!Haste to the tropics, search the fields of snow,Let the world's gift to her become your quest.
Shine, sun, through prism of the waterfall,And build us here a rainbow arch to spanThe years, and hold the citadelOf her abiding work for God and man.