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Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/803

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Readers of this volume of the History of Woman Suffrage will be spared some trouble in searching the index by noticing the arrangement of the chapters as shown in the Table of Contents. The Introduction gives a very brief outline of the movement for woman suffrage. The first 19 chapters contain accounts of the annual conventions of the National American Association during the last twenty years chronologically arranged, including the hearings before the committees of each Congress. Enough extracts from speeches are included to show the line of argument. The plans of work and the reports of committees indicate the development from year to year. These chapters record the work for a Federal Woman Suffrage Amendment, for which the association was especially organized.

Chapter XX contains in condensed form the full story of the contest for the Federal Suffrage Amendment. It is followed by chapters on various suffrage associations; the League of Women Voters; Woman Suffrage in National Presidential Conventions of the political parties and the War Service of the Organized Suffragists. Each has practically complete information on its particular subject, to which reference is made in other chapters and indexed.

The activities in the States auxiliary to the National Association are recorded in Volume VI, also accounts of the work in Great Britain and other countries and the chapter on the International Woman Suffrage Alliance.


  • Abbot, Grace, 692-3.
  • Abbott, Dr. Lyman, Dr. Shaw criticizes, 158; 256; 682.
  • Aberdeen and Temair, Marchioness of, pres. Intl. Council of Women, tribute to Dr. Shaw, 761.
  • Adams, Abigail, makes first decl. for wom. suff, 121.
  • Adams, Gov. Alva, tribute to wom. suff. in Colorado, answers criticisms; State will never repeal, 103105.
  • Addams, Jane, on child labor, 20; noteworthy address on Municipal Franchise for Women, 178; guest of Miss Garrett, 182; 202; entertains natl. suff. conv. at Hull House, 206; 207; 258; guest of honor Coll. Wom. Suff. League, 319; working woman's need of vote, humanitarian woman's need, domestic woman's need, 320; elected first vice-pres. of Natl. Assn, 324; helps sub-station for suff. lit. in Chicago, 335; necessity for women to deal with social evil, 343; presides at suff. hearing 1912; says America falling behind rest of world; if women are to continue humanitarian efforts they must have the franchise, 354-356; urges a commssn. to investigate the equal suff. States and report, 363; men and women must solve social problems together with ballots in the hands of both, 364-5; at hearing bef. House Com. on Rules, gives nine instances where Cong. controlled suff, 387; unfair process for wom. suff, 390; western campaigning, 404; at Nashville conv. refers to Andrew Jackson and Chief Justice Marshall, asks why southern men so progressive in their day and so reactionary now, 409; 419; resigns office, 424: 450; at mem. service for Dr. Shaw, 611; 613: org. Miss. Valley Conf, 667-8; at Repub. Natl. Conv, 1908, 703; bef. Repub. Res. Com. in 1912; seconds Roosevelt's nomination, 705: for wom. suff. plank in Progressive platform, 706.
  • Additon, Lucia Faxon, 120.
  • Advisory Committee on Woman Suffrage in Senate, 413-14; approves Shafroth Amend, 415.
  • Alabama, peculiar chivalry, 36; hos-