Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/827

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THE INTERNATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE ALLIANCE 8ll friends of woman suffrage throughout the world in organized cooperation and fraternal helpfulness," and a constitution was adopted. The roll of nations was called and the delegates from Great Britain, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and the United States pledged affiliation. Mrs. Catt made the pledge for Aus- tralia. Delegates from Denmark and Norway asked for time to present the matter to their associations and a little later became auxiliaries. All the suffrage associations in existence that could be called national except that of Canada eight altogether joined the Alliance. Mesdames Minna Cauer, Germany; Agda Montelius, Sweden; Charlotte Norrie, Denmark; Mrs. Blanken- hnrg. Dr. Jacobs and Miss Palliser were appointed to consider designs for an international badge. Miss Anthony announced that as she had reached the age of 84 she could not stand as candidate for the presidency and it was unanimously voted that she be made honorary president. The following officers were elected : President, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, New York; first vice-president, Dr. jur. Anita Augspurg, Hamburg; second vice-president, Mrs. Millicent Gnr- rett Fawcett, London; secretary, Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery, Philadelphia; first assistant secretary, Dr. Kathe Schirmacher, Paris (address temporarily) ; second, Miss Johanna A. W. Naber, Amsterdam; treasurer, Miss Rodger Cunliffe, London. (Later s Naber resigned and Miss Martina G. Kramers of Rotterdam was appointed.) The Executive Committee of the new Alliance met June 6 at the Palast Hotel. It was arranged that fifty copies of the Declaration of Principles, the Constitution and the Minutes be typed in Berlin and sent to the presidents of the affiliated societies and the honorary associates. It was decided to postpone applica- tion for atixiliaryship to the International Council of Women for at least two years. Correspondence with the countries requiring special information was assigned as follows: "To Mrs. ( Dr. Augsburg, Norway and Austria; to Dr. Schir- macher. Italy and France: to Miss Naber, Switzerland and Bel- gium. It W3L& decided that th' Alliance should meet every five years for tl ion of the constitution.