Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/903

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  • Hobby, Gov. William P. (Tex.), 636-7-8-9.
  • Hoch, Gov. Edward W. (Kans.), 195; 205.
  • Hodges, Gov. George H. (Kans.), 202; 205.
  • Hodges, Tiseitee William, proposes Primary suff. for women, 24.
  • Hoffman, Catharine A, 195-6-7; 200; 204.
  • Holcomb, Gov. Marcus A. (Conn.), opp. Fed. Amend, 73, 75, 77, 81-2.
  • Hollis, U. S. Sen. Henry F, 405-6.
  • Holmes, Lydia Wickliffe, see La. chapter, 226; in Tenn, 621.
  • Holmgren, Ann Margret (Sweden), 815; 826; greets Alliance congress, 843, 846.
  • Holt, Hamilton, 485.
  • Hooker, Mrs. Donald, 257-260; 263.
  • Hooker, Isabella Beecher, 68-9.
  • Hooper, Mrs. Ben, in Nev, 390; in Wis, 705-6.
  • Hooper, Gov. Ben W. (Tenn.), 599; 608; 619.
  • Hosmer, Katharine Tipton, see Colo. chapter, 59; 60; 63; 65.
  • Howard, Prof. George W, 379.
  • Howard, H. Augusta, 121; 123.
  • Howe, Julia Ward, memorials, in Del, 88; Boston, 278; N. J, 417; work in Mass, 267 et seq; 274; R. I, 566; birthday celebr, 281, 571, 578.
  • Howe, Marie Jenney, 443; 448.
  • Howells, William Dean, 485.
  • Howland, Emily S, 442.
  • Hubbs, Harriet L, see Penn. chapter, 550; 561.
  • Hughes, Gov. Charles E. (N. Y.), 457.
  • Hughes Dr. James L. (Canada), 754; 806.
  • Hughes, Rev. Kate, 146.
  • Hughes, U. S. Sen. William, 428.
  • Hughston, Augusta, in Me, 238; Mich, 314; Vt, 655-6; West Va, 693.
  • Hull, U. S. Rep. Harry E. (Iowa), 185.
  • Hultin, Rev. Ida C, 250; 267, 269, 403.
  • Hundley, Mrs. O. R, 4
  • Hungary, struggle for wom. suff, en tertains Intl. Alliance; Mrs. Catt speaks in eight cities, 793; 856.
  • Hunt, Alice, 265.
  • Hunt, Augusta M, 238; 242.
  • Hurd, Dr. Ethel E, 318; 320.
  • Hurst, Sadie D, 388; 390-1-2.
  • Hussey, Cornelia C, 413.
  • Hussey, Dr. Mary D, work in N. J, see St. chapter, 412.
  • Hutson, Ethel, see La. chapter, 226.
  • Hutton, May Arkwright, 676.


  • Iceland, gives suff. to women, elects to office, 776.
  • Idaho, 25 years of wom. suff, 143.
  • Ijams, Martha A, 52.
  • Illinois, effort for wom. suff., workers, legis. action, campaigns, see St. chapter, 145.
  • India, efforts for wom. suff, 769.
  • Indiana, effort for wom. suff., workers, legis. action, see St. chapter, 166.
  • Initiative and Referendum, used for wom. suff. in Ariz, 14; Mo, 347, 355-6; Neb, 372, 373; petitions, 379; fraudulent, carried into court, 380, 382; in Ohio, 511; courts reject, 515; to refer ratif. of Fed. Amend, 518; attacked, 519; in Okla, 524; Ore, 539, 544-5; S. Dak, 585.
  • International Council of Women, meets in Berlin, 790; Standing Com. on Wom. Suff, 805; 822.
  • International Woman Suffrage Alliance, inception, founding and eight Congresses, 805-871; preliminary meeting and Intl. Com. formed in Washtn, names of delegates, decl. of principles, 805; organized in Berlin, names of delegates, officers elected, 809; conf. and cong. in Copenhagen, 812; in Amsterdam, 817; quinquennial in London, 828; congress in Stockholm, 838; Budapest, 847; Geneva, after the war, 859; names of delegates and speakers, Mrs. Catt's president's address, extracts from speeches, reports, resolutions, action taken, entertainments given, under each heading; women in pulpits, Dr. Shaw in London, 838, in Stockholm, 839, in Budapest, 850; A. Maude Royden and Edith Picton Turberville in Geneva, 860; object of Alliance, 807, 810, 822, 830, 832, 844, 861, 864, 866; nonpartisanship, 827, 833, 844; growth, 821, 829, 842, 851, 863; financial help of U. S, 854, 868-9; of Great Brit, 868; action on "social evil," 855; 870; attitude toward war, 861, 866; work during war, 867; position on League of Nations, 870; future of Alliance, 861-2, 871.