Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/906

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  • Mack, Mrs. O. H, work in Nev, see St. chapter, 384.
  • Mackay, Mrs. Clarence, encourages Nev. women, 384-5; society in N. J, 416; organizes Equal Franchise Society, work in N. Y, 444-5, 456-7.
  • McAlarney, Emma L, 242; 265; 692.
  • McCallum, Jane Y, see Texas chapter, 630, 637.
  • McClung, Nellie, 321; 322; in Minn, 321-2; West Va, 601-2; Wis, 704; Canada, 755.
  • McComas, Alice Moore, 30; 40.
  • McCormack, Mrs. James M, 508; 610-11-12; 615.
  • McCormick, Katharine Dexter, in Mass, 276, 295; elected vice-pres. Intl. Alliance, 854; in Geneva, 862; contributes to Alliance, re-elected, 869.
  • McCormick, Medill, 162: 374.
  • McCormick, Mrs. Medill, 114; work in Ills. Legis, 154, 157; assists Mo. campaign, 355; heads deleg. to Pres. Wilson, 609.
  • MacCracken, Pres. Henry Noble (Vassar), 485.
  • McCrea, Mrs. Willis S, 149.
  • McCulloch, Catharine Waugh, work in Ills, see St. chapter, 145; Calif, 39, 41, 46; Ind, 176; Md, 248; Mich, 305; Ore, 540; S. Dak, 590; Wis, 700-1; Amsterdam, 827.
  • McDougald, Emily C, work in Ga, see St. chapter, 134.
  • McFarland, Henry B. F, 105.
  • McGraw, Mrs. J. W, work in Ills, see St. chapter, 145.
  • McKellar, U. S. Sen. Kenneth, assists ratif. in Del, 96; Md, 258; Tenn, 509, 603, 614; 621-2; secures suff. plank in natl. Dem. platform, 618.
  • McKelvie, Gov. Samuel R. (Neb), 383.
  • McLendon, Mary L, work in Ga, see St. chapter, 121; tries to vote, 132.
  • McMahon, Mrs. Albert, in Ala, 6; Del, 92, 94; Fla, 117, 119; Minn, 321; report on S. Dak, 502.
  • Macmillan, Chrystal, makes digest of British laws for women, 750; 823; 826; addresses Judic. Com. of House of Lords, 833; 841; 845; 854; report of Alliance conf, in Geneva, 862; 865; 860.
  • McNaughton, Dr. Clara, 106.
  • McNeel, Mrs. John D, 6.
  • McPike, Sara, work in N. Y, 487.
  • McWhirter, Mrs. Felix T, 170-1-2; 175.
  • McWhorter, Judge J. C. (West Va.), 689; 601.
  • Maddox, Etta, in Md, 253; 255; 257.
  • Maine, efforts for wom. suff, workers, legis. action, campn, see St. chapter, 236.
  • Malone, Dudley Field, 257.
  • Manitoba, work for wom. suff, 754.
  • Mann, Gov. S. A. (Utah), 644; 650.
  • Mansfield, Mrs. Howard, 469; 480.
  • Marble, Amanda J, 360; 370-1-2.
  • Marbury, William F, opp. wom. suff. in Md, 258; 260; brings suit, 261. Martin, Anne, in Del, 103; see Nev. chapter, 386, 3902; N. Mex, 436.
  • Martin, U. S. Sen. George B, 213.
  • Martine, U. S. Sen. James E, 123; 421.
  • Maryland, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, great opposition, see St. chapter, 248.
  • Massachusetts, effort for wom. suff, New England Assn, legis. action, campaign, workers, see St. chapter, 267.
  • Maud, Queen, greetings to suff. cong, 36.
  • Mead, Edwin D, 275; 295.
  • Mead, Lucia Ames, in Me, 242; work in Mass, 269 et seq; in Mo, 344.
  • Men's Advisory Committee, in N. C, 493; West Va, 689
  • Men's Leagues for Woman Suffrage, in Ala, 6; Calif, 35, 40; Conn, 75, 81; Fla, 115; Ga, 126; Ills, 147; Iowa, 187; Kans, 200-1; La, 227; Me, 237, 242; Md, 251, 263; Harvard, 278; Mass, 283, 287; Mich, 306, 313, 314; Mo, 345; Mont, 364, 366; Neb, 372, 374; Nev, 387, 394, 397; N. J, 417-18, 423; N. Y, 447, 469, 476; full account of, 484; in Penn, 552, 557; Tenn, 611; Texas, 632; Wis, 702; Sweden, 782; Netherlands, 784; Hungary, 794, 856; Italy, 798; Gt. Brit, 835; Intl. League founded, 843.
  • Meredith, Ellis, in Colo, 61; N. J, 414.
  • Meriwether, Lide A, work in Tenn, 596-7; 615.
  • Merrick, Caroline E, 216; 596.
  • Mexico, grants wom. suff, 804.
  • Michigan, effort for wom. suff, campaigns, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 303.
  • Miles, General Nelson, 317.
  • Milholland, Inez, speaks in Wis, 702.