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love her articles, her homilies, her liturgy, her discipline, and unwillingly vary from it in any inſtance. Meantime, all who preach anong them declare, "we are all by nature children of wrath but by grace we are ſaved through faith;" ſave from both the guilt and from the power of ſin They endeavour to live according to what they preach, to be plain Bible Chriſtians; and they meet together at convenient times to encourage one another therein. They tenderly love many that are Calviniſts, though (illegible text) do not love their opinions. Yea, they love the Antinomians themſelves; but it is with a love of compa(illegible text) only for they hate their doctrines with a perfect hatred; they abhor then as they do hell fire; being convinced nothing can ſo effectually destroy (illegible text) faith, all holineſs, and all good works.

We ſhall conclude this article with the word of Mr. Hanſon, which must certainly be accounted just whatever objections may be made to ſome parts of the principles or behaviour of the Methodists " If they poſſess not much knowledge, which, however, we do not know to be the caſe, it is at least certain, they are not deficient in zeal; and without any paſſionate deſire to imitate their example, we may at least commend their endeavours for the general good Every good man will contemplate with pleasure the oper(illegible text) of the Spirit of Reformation; whether foreign or domestic; and will rejoice in every attempt to propagate Chriſtianity in the barbarous parts of the world An attempt which, if in an tolerable degree ſucceſsful, will do infinitely more for their civilization and happineſs, than all the