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List of Heathen Gods and Godesses.

1 Pan, the god of Egypt. 2 Dagon, the god of the Philiſtines. 3. Baal, the god of many of the Eaſtern Nations. Cupid, the god of love. Venus, the goddeſs of love. Bacchus, the god of wine. Boreas, the god of ſtorms and wind. Neptune, the god of the ſeas, &c. O the depravity of fallen human nature!


About fifteen hundred years ago, a man of Turkey, ſeeing the high diſputes about religion in Egypt, and the neighbouring nations, formed a deep laid plan to pleaſe all parties, by making a new one altogether. And ſo, the better to effect his purpoſe, pretended that he was inſpired by God, and called himſelf the Great Prophet of God —This religion is very enticing to corrupt nature, being of a carnal kind, for the Heaven it promiſes, is the full enjoyment of women and wine in the future ſtate, &c. They believe in one ſupreme God, and have in general very rational views of a divine Providence.

III.—Of the JEWS.

I need ſay little of them, as the doctrine and laws of the Jews are fully recorded in our Old Testament. But their great error is unbelief; they do not believe that JESUS, whom their fathers crucified, was the true Meſſiah, and are ſtill looking for another.