Page:History of the 305th field artillery (IA historyof305thfi01camp).pdf/326

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The clans gathered again at La Chalade, and made ready to hurry back to the line. During the period of rest cveryone had found time to read the papers. It was known that the Germans had asked for peace; that notes had passed back and forth; but at the front no one took the news very seriously. There was too much to be done. The men had become so absorbed by the war that at last they had borrowed something of the French attitude. The thing appeared elernal.

The question of transportation caused worry and wonderment. The regiment had received replacements of men, but none of horses. How was it going to be possible to move guns and ammunition with the few animals left? The answer came a little later in an unexpected form.

On October 27th the echelon was established at Chatel-Cheherry, and Regimental Headquarters and First Battalion Headquarters settled themselves in a house at Corpay. The First Battalion guns were a kilometer to the north.

The Second Battalion guns were in the same valley as the First, but to the left, near the town of Marc. Major Easterday and Captain Starbuck made a careful reconnaissance of the front. Firing opened on November 1st.

Again the advance was large, and on November 2nd the regiment moved forward to the vicinity of Verpel.

First Class Private Abel S. Virkler, of Battery C was