Page:History of the Devil, ancient and modern (2).pdf/5

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ſays it was the accurſed city, and not worth ſpill-
ing one drop of blood for
This religious bubble was certainly of Satan,
who as he certainly drew them in, ſo like a true
Devil he led them in the lurch when they came
there, faced about to the Saracens, animated the
immortal Saladdin againſt them, and managed ſo
dextrouſly, that he left the bones of thirteen or
fourteen hundred thouſand Chriſtians there, as
a trophy of his infernal politics, and after the
Chriſtian world had run all a ſanta terra, or in
Engliſh, a ſauntering about an hundred years, he
dropt it to play another game leſs fooliſh, but ten
times more wicked than that which went before it;
namely, turning the cruſadoes of the Chriſtians
one againſt another; and as Hudibras ſaid in an-
other caſe,

"Made them fight like mad or drunk,
For Dame religion, as for punk."

Of this you have a complete account in the hiſ
tory of the Pope's decrees againſt the Count de
Thoulouſe, and the Waldenſes and Abigenſes,
with the cruſades and maſſacres which followed
upon them, wherein, to do the Devil's politics
ſome juſtice, he met with all the ſucceſs he could
deſire. The zealots of that day executed his in-
fernal orders moſt punctually, and planted religion
in thoſe countries in a glorious and triumphant
manner, upon the deſtruction of an infinite num-
ber of innocent people, whole blood has fattened
the ſoil for the growth of the Catholic Faith in a
manner very peculiar, and to Satan's full ſatisfac-
I might, to complete this part of the hiſtory,
give you the detail of his progreſs in the firſt
ſteps of his alliances with Rome, and add a long
liſt of maſſacres, wars, and expeditions in behalf
of religion, which he has has had the honour to