Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/138

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CHAPTER VI. VOCABULARIES, Recount of the series of Vocabularies contained in this WorL. — Errors in many former Collections, — Examples. — Voca* hidary of the Languages of the Archipelago. 1 o render the subject of the preceding chapters more intelligible, and to afford the professed scholar an opportunity of judging for himself, as well as of the accuracy of the opinions which the writer has advanced in the course of this book, a series of vo- cabularies are appended. These are of various au- thenticity, according to the circumstances under which they were collected. Those of the Javanese, Malay, Bugis, Macassar, Madurese, Balinese, Sunda, and Biajuk Dayak, were compiled by myself, personally, under such advantages, that I think they may be entirely relied upon. Of the rest, many have also been compiled under more favourable auspices than usual ; but it must be acknowledged, that, in general, there exist innumerable sources of error in any attempts to compile vocabularies of languages with which we are unacquainted, — from our own ignorance and unskilfulness, — from the care- Jessness, — incapacity, and apathy of the natives, — ^