Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/14

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VI CONTENTS. Page Chap. III. — ^^Charactcr of Mahomcdanism in the Indian Archipelago, _ - - - 259 Chap. IV. — State of Christianity in the Indian Archipelago, 272 BOOK VII. HISTORY. Chap. I. — Preliminary Remarks on the History of the Archipelago, - - - * - 284 Chap. II. — Ancient History of Java, - - 293 Chap. III. — History of the Propagation of Maho- medanism in Java, - - - _ , 303 Chap. IV. — History of Java continued, - - 320 Chap* V.- — Sequel of Javanese History, - - 337 Chap. VI.— History of the Malays, - - 371 Chap. VII.— History of Celebes, - - - 379 Chap. VIII. — Portuguese History of the Archi- pelago, - - - - ^ - - 391 Chap. IX. — Dutch History of the Archipelago, 410 Chap. X. — Spanish History of the Archipelago, 445 Chap. XI. — Chronological Table of the principal Events in the History of the Archipelago, - 481