Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/210

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19^ VOCABULARIES. SPECIMEN OF THE GREAT POLYNESIAN, land tanah king ratu sky' langit day hari moon wulan month wulan stone watu year tahun xvater weh heat panas fire api stveet manis air angin bitter pahit child anak white puteh bone balung burn bakar hair wulu lueep nangis blood rah kill bunoh head duwur, ulu die mati skin kulit read wacha nose irung write nulis eye mata I aku hand tangan, lima thou kowe ^old mas whof sapa iron bassi what apa maize jagung above duwur rice wos certainly pasti rice in stratv pari hog bawi fruit woh biiffalo kabu leaf ron dog asu sugarcane tabbu goat karabing coconut nyu cow lambu, sapi yam uwi horse jaran artificer tukang rhinoceros warak tveaving tanun fowl manuk shuttle taropong peacock marak file kikir common/owl ayam axe kampak fish iwak army bala tortoise pannyu tvar prang island nusa spear tumbak sea tasek mth sumpah hill bukit, gunung retaliation walas 10