Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/316

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CHAPTER IV. STATE OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO. Catholic and Protestant Christians Jbund. — Zeal of the early European Adventurers to make Proselytes. — Circumstances XKihich frustrated the effects of that zeaL — lione of the more thoroughly converted to Mahomedanism adopted Christiani- ty, •-- A rational religion cannot be established until the Peo' pie are more Civilized, — Superiority of the Christians over the Mahomedan and Pagan TribeSy notwithstanding all the disadvantages under which they labour, — Christianity con- sidered as an Instrument of Civilization. — Efforts of insu- lated Missionaries useless or mischievous. — Circumstances, tvhich have contributed to bring Christianity into disre- pute among the Indian Islanders, and their 7ieighbours. — The misconduct of Christians the only obstacle to the Pro- pagation of Christianity, Did the nature of this work admit of it, the pre- sent chapter might be extended to a great length. As it is not, however, the object to enter into any details, a very few pages will comprehend every remark that can interest the liberal and en- lightened reader.