Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/353

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OF MAHOMEDANISM IN JAVA. 309 the king of that country. In her own country the princess had a sister who married an Arabian priest, whose name was Shekh Wall Lanavg Ilyrahim, The sister of the queen of Java, say the Javanese accounts, had by this person two sons, who are known in Java by the names of Raden P audita and Raden Rahmat, When they arrived at the years of manhood, they were recommended by their mother to visit the court of their uncle by mar- riage, the king of Mojopahit. They accordingly embarked, but were shipwrecked on the coast of Kamboja, and being detained by the sovereign of that country, a deputation from the Javanese mo- narch was necessary to effect their release. The two adventurers finally effected their voyage to Java, and were received and caressed by the king of Mojopahit. Of Raden P audita we hear no more ; but Raden Rahmat became afterwards celebrated as the first apostle of Islam in Java, made many proselytes, — acquired a grant of land from the monarch, — and constructed the first mosque ever built in Java. He assumed the title of SusU' men, all armed with cortans, or broad swords, lances, and some guns, that went with a swivel upon their gunnal. They were of the idolaters, natives of Champa, and some of the briskest, most sociable, without fearfulness or shyness, and the nKSt neat and dexten^us about their shipping, of any such I have met with in all my travels." — Dampier, Vol. 1. p. 400.