QF THE ARCHIPELAGO. 425 jertadel in the morning. Each conspirator had his particular post and office assigned. The chief conspirator was to have governed in the city and citadel ; and the second to have administered the territory extending to the mountains. The infe- rior conspirators, under the titles or official de- signations of Pangerariy Tumcinggung, and Man- tri, were to fill the subordinate situations. The ,9 conspiracy was wide spread, and the arrangement for its execution to have been supported by a force of seventeen thousand men. It originat- ed with Cantadia, a native of Cartasura, who had, it appears, laboured for two years to seduce Erberfeld. I'he conspirators were mostly natives of Java, and ahnost all of them of mean origin- It was detected but three days previous to the time appointed for putting it in execution. Nine^ teen of the conspirators, among whom were the wives of three of the male prisoners, were tortur- ed, found guilty, and sentenced to the most cruel and horrid punishments, which were carried into execution fourteen days after sentence was pas- sed. On Sunday, two days after the execution,
- The followin i is the record of this Hbominable sentenceic
" We, the iudi>es, having heard and examined the information preferreii ex(yfficio byHenr) van Steel, drossard ot thelow coun- try, ai;aitist the beiore-Mientuuierj criminals, who have confes- sed the whole, and submitted themselves voluntarily to this