Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/522

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478 SPANISH HISTORY predatory incursions, made to no efiect, in the neighbouring country, during a period of ten com- plete months. This is the most remarkable cir- cumstance connected with the whole transaction, and that for which it is chiefly worth mention- ing. The Spaniards were true to their allegi- ance, and the Indians, influenced by the priests^ and attachment to their religion, very generally continued to assist them, although the English had recourse to the unjustifiable means, — unjustifiable, because delusory, — of promising a remission of the tribute paid by them to the European power. The Chinese alone, heartily and universally, joined in the cause of the English, as might be expected from the cruelty and oppression with which the Spanish government had always treated them.*

  • Although the Senor Arandia had sent away all the pagan

Chinese, others replaced them after his death ; and the aug- mentation of their numbers, which took place in three years, was incredible. There were, besides, many Chinese Christians in Pa naw, and scattered over the provinces, and almost all of them declared for the English. The moment they took pos- session of Manila, these Chinese gave them every aid, and ac- companied them in all their expeditions." — '* Senor Anda"^ (the military commander, who took charge of the government after the captivity of the archbishop) " gave orders that those who escaped should be tried for their conduct, in whatever part they were found ; but having found some letters, which proted that they had an understanding with those of Pariau