Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/536

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492 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. reaches Banda ; where he finds Don Garcio Hen- riques, sent thither by George ^Albuquerque, who gives him the surprising information of the arrival of two Spanish ships in the Moluccas by an eastern passage. De Britto seizes the twelve Spaniards, left at Tidor by the companions of Magellan, and one of the two ships of that great commander's squadron, being forced back into the Moluccas in distress, he sends her crew as prisoners to Portugal. The queen regent of Ternate,and Alraanzor,king of Tidor, dispute the honour of having a Portuguese fort and garrison in their dominions, and the latter is mortified at the preference given to the former. De Britto intrigues at Ternate ; deprives the queen of the regency ; and stirs up a civil war there and at Tidor. He offers a reward of a piece of fine cloth for the head of every Tidorean which is brought to him, and has speedily to distribute six hundred pieces for such services. The king of Tidor declares open war against the Portuguese, and gains several advantages, but has his capital finally captured and destroyed. C. 15^22, S. 1445. H. 929. Ibrahim, king of Achin, takes Pidir by strata- gem, and subjects it to his power. C. 1523. S. 1445. H. 930. The king of Achin makes himself master of the