Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/538

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494* CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. stroys all the merchant vessels lying there, among others numerous trading vessels of Java ; — he kills six thousand persons at that place, and takes prison- ers in such numbers as to afford to every Portu- guese sLv slaves. He sails, finally, to Patani, and commits depredations still more extensive, reducing the whole town to ashes. C. 1526. S. IM^S. H. 933. Mascarenas, governor-general of India, sails from Malacca, against Bintan, with a fleet of twenty-one ships, and an army of four hundred Portuguese, and six hundred Malays. The Laksi- mana attacks and boards one of his gallies, and is on the point of carrying her, when she is saved by the assistance of the governor-general. The Portuguese storm the entrenchments and town of Bintan ; and, though the Laksimana, who commanded in person, makes a gallant defence, they are taken, the town given up to pillage, and finally razed. King Mahomed retires to the main- land, where he establishes himself. The Spaniards form their first establishment in the Moluccas, on the report of the companions of Magellan. C. 1527. S. 1449. H. 934. Don Garcio Henriques succeeds De Britto in the government of the Moluccas, and makes peace with the king of Tidor. Don Garcio Henriques, the Portuguese gover-