Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/540

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496 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. to fly to the citadel, where, receiving no assistance from the Portuguese governor, he throws himself from a window, and kills himself to avoid a more ignominious death. Menezes, on the bare supposition of his having killed a Chinese hog belonging to himself, causes the uncle of the king of Ternate, and head of the Mahomedan religion, to be seized and imprison- ed, and, before discharging him, directs his face to be smeared over with the lard of the animal. The insulted prince,, in consequence, flies from island to island, stirring up the people to resist their Euro- pean oppressors. The people of Ternate refuse to bring provisions to the Portuguese fort. Menezes seizes three chiefs of Ternate for resist- ance to the Portuguese, and directs the right hands of two of them to be cut off. The third, having his hands tied behind his back, is left on the beach to be devoured by two mastiffs set upon him for the purpose. Menezes publicly executes the regent of Ternate for a pretended conspiracy, on which the native in- habitants quit the country almost without excep- tion, C. 1528. S. 1450. H.935. Simon de Sosa, proceeding as governor to the Moluccas, stops at Achin, where he is attacked by