Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/543

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 499 Ternate, and raises in his room the infant son of a Javanese concubine by the late king. — I'he mother refusing her consent to the ele- vation of her son to this dangerous distinction, her reluctance is construed into a crime, and she is seized and thrown over the window^s of the castle. C. 1531. S. 1453. H. 937. The kings of Gilolo, the Papuas, and the prin- ces of the Moluccas, join in a league to extermi- nate the Portuguese, and succeed in massacring a great number. The Portuguese fortress in Ternate is blockaded by the Ternatians and their allies, and the garri- son reduced by famine to the last extremity. The Portuguese receive several partial reinforce- ments, but are confined for years almost to their fortifications, until they receive succours by the new governor, the heroic and virtuous Antonio Galvan, C. 1536. S. 1458. H. 942. Antonio Galvan arrives in the Moluccas, and reduces affairs to some order. C. 1537. S. 1459. H. 943. Antonio Galvan proceeds to Tidor, and with four hundred men, one hundred and seventy of whom only are Portuguese, attacks the allied prin- ces of thfe Moluccas, whose arn^y amounted, by the Portuguese computation, to thirty thousand, and