Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/548

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504 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. tvich a great force, and is compelled to raise the siege, after losing four thousand men, and his eldest son. C. 1569. S. 1491. H. 977- A single Portuguese man-of-war defeats the Achinese fleet, commanded by the king in person. C. 1570. S. 149^. H. 978. Aeiro, king of Ternate, is treacherously assassi- nated by Lopez de Mesquita, governor of the Mo- luccas, at his own house, under pretext of a friend- ly conference, and his body being refused to his friends, who demand it for burial, is cut in pieces and thrown into the sea. The Ternatians under Baber, the late king's son, retire to the mountains, and for the rest of the period of the residence of the Portuguese in the Moluccas, continue to harass them by a predatory warfare. C. 1571. S. 1493. H. 979. The king of Achin sends a fleet to attack that under the Portuguese admiral Louis de Melo, and is defeated near Malacca with great loss. Manila is conquered by the Spaniards, and a town built. • C. 157^. S. 1494. H. 980. The king of Achin, in consequence of a league dntered into with the princes of western India, ?gain attacks Malacca with a numerous army, but