Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/556

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5 , CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, of Jacatra, by which the Dutch are allowed to build a fort, and establish a factory at that place. C. 1613. S. I53d. H. 10^22. The prince of Mataram dies, and is succeeded by his son, known by the name of Sultan Agung, or the Great Sullan. The young sultan sends an army under his general Surantani, and attempts the conquest of the eastern districts of Java, but fails. King James the First of England sends a letter and presents to the king of Achin, by Captain Best. The Dutch enter into treaties with the king of Ternate and other petty princes of the Moluccas, by which they endeavour to insure to themselves the exclusive trade in cloves. The Dutch capture the Portuguese settlements in Solor and Tidor. The Spaniards fit out an expedition against the Moluccas, which is repelled by the Dutch with a heavy loss to the former. The Dutch, with a squadron of ten ships, infest the coast of the Philippines, and burn and destroy some towns and villages. The king of Achin writes a friendly letter to the king of England, and requests to have one of his cou7itrywome7i to wi/e, promising to make her son king of the pepper countries* The king of Achin conquers Siak, and plunders