Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/558

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Don Juan de Silva, governor of the Philippines, sails with a powerful expedition against the Dutch settlements and commerce, but dying at Malacca, the fleet returns to Manila without effecting any thing. Don Andres Alearas, governor of the Philip- pines. Speelberg, the Dutch admiral, arriving by the Straits of Magellan, blockades the harbour of Ma- nila. Laurent Reaal, governor-general of the Dutch Indies. The Dutch capture Pulo-ay, one of the Spice Islands. C. I6I7. S. 1539. H. 1026. April 14. — An action is fought between a Dutch and Spanish squadron, with partial loss on both sides. Martoloyo, the commander of the Mataram forces, conquers the district of Pasuruhan, and car- ries off all the women who fall into his hands. The chief of Pajang revolts, and is defeated. C. 1618. S. 1540. H. 1027. The sultan of Mataram in Java conquers the district of Tuban, and makes slaves of the female prisoners. The Dutch plunder and burn the town of Japara. July 2. — Don Alonzo Faxardo, governor of the Philippines.