Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/562

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518 CHRONOJ.OGICAL TAi3LE. Siamese mission, proceeding on its annual voyage to China. Tanrepala, king of Boni, dies, and is succeeded by his sister's son, Lamadarama. C. 1627. S. 1549. H. 1037. Jan Pietersz Coen, governor-general of the Dutch Indies for the second time. The Javanese enter into a conspiracy to assassi- nate the governor-general Coen, which is defeated. C. 1628. S. 1550. H. 1038. The governor of the Philippines sends an expe- dition against the Sooloo Islands, to punish the in- habitants for their depredations on the coast of Luconia. The king of Achin, for the last time, sends a fleet and army against Malacca, which are totally destroyed, and the Laksimana, or admiral, made prisoner. The sultan of Mataram suppresses the great re- bellion of Pragolo, chief of Pati, his brother-in- law. — He attacks Giri, and takes it, making the Susunan prisoner, and carrying him oflP to Mata- ram. August 28. — The sultan of Mataram sends a force against Batavia, and attempts to take it by surprise. Sept. i2. — The Dutch garrison makes a vigor- ous sortie.