Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/571

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 527 Tomamenaiiga ri Papang Batuna dies, and is suc- ceeded ^by his son, Hasan u' Din, called also Tomamenanga Bala Pangkana. Don Sabiniano Manrique de Lara, governor of the Philippines. Corrolat, king of Mindanao, puts to death two Jesuits, and some other Spaniards sent to him as ambassadors from Manila. A formidable revolt of the natives takes place in the Philippines. C. 1654.. J. 1576. H. 1064. Krairig Patingalong, first minister of Goa, de- nominated *' the Father of the Country,*' dies, and is succeeded by the able and renowned Kronrong. The war continues in the Moluccas. C. 1655. J. 1577. H. 1065. The Dutch defeat the Macassars in the Moluc- cas, who make a gallant resistance. — Four hundred prisoners are made on this occasion, and assigned to the captors as slaves. A mission from the king of Siam appears at Mataram. The king of Goa Macassar conquers all Butung, overthrowing the Dutch establishment there. C. 1656. J. 1578. H. 1066. The Dutch conclude a peace with the king of Macassar. The king of Gilolo is taken, and, with five and twenty of his people, privately drowned by the