Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/576

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0352 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. the Dutch, who join him from Japara. The Dutch taking no share in the action which ensues at Pa- suruhan, the Javanese receive a complete over- throw from the Macassar fugitives and Truna Jaya, and are dispersed. The Pangeran Adipati, or heir apparent, marches against Truna Jaya and the Macassars, and is beaten by them in a battle fought near Surabaya. Truna Jaya assumes sovereign authority ; and, sending a great force, conquers the districts east of Mataram, which he at last enters. The sultan of Mataram flies, with his family, from his capital, and dies on his way to Tagal. He is succeeded by his eldest son, who takes the title of Susunan Mangkorat. — Pangeran Pugar, a young- er son of the late sultan, defeats the Mandurese, and proclaims himself sovereign at Mataram. Susunan Mangkorat calls in the assistance of the Dutch, and marches with them to Japara. ' Raja Palaka, king of Boni, demands a free trade for his subjects, and threatens to quarrel with the Dutch for their evasion of it, but is finally pacified by their dexterity. December ^9. — The Dutch send a force under Admiral Speelman to assist the Susunan Mang- korat. The Susunan Mangkorat grants great commer- cial immunities to the Dutch, the origin of his