Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/582

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538 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Lapatao, called after his death Matinroa rl Naga- wulang. C. 1699. J. l6^?. H. 1109. Surapati attempts the conquest of the province of Pronorogo in Java, but is defeated. The queen of Acliin is deposed, and the king, Beder al Alum, elected in her room. Sultan abd ul Juhl the Third ascends the throne of Jehor. C, 1701. J. 1625. H. 1111. The Susunan of Java sends a mission, with gifts, to Mecca. September 8. — Don Domingo Zabalburu, gover- nor of the Philippines. C. 170^2. J. 1626. H. 1112. Beder al Alum, king of Achin, afflicted with a severe malady, resigns his crown, and Perkasa Alum is elected in his place. The king of Achin having attempted to levy- duties on the English trade at the port, the English traders of that nation at the place immediately pro- ceed to offensive measures, and he is, by a threat- ened insurrection of his subjects, compelled to re- peal his decree. C. 1703. J. I627. H. 1113. The Susunan Manghurat dies, nominating his eldest son, the Pangeran Dipati Anom, as his suc- cessor, who sends ambassadors to Batavia, announc* ing his accession to the throne^