Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/586

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54^ CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. the Dutch make war upon them, and reduce them to entire subjection. The Spaniards attempt the conversion of the in- habitants of the Palaos, or Pelew Islands, but the priests sent with that view were never heard of af- ter landing. C. 1712. J. 16J6. H. in^. Sapuale-e, king of Goa, is formally deposed by the national council, and Mapa Orange, king of Tallo, raised to the throne in his room. C. lyi':^. J. 1687- H. ll^^S. The king of Boni is inconsolable for the loss of a beloved concubine, and proposes, in his grief, to abdicate the throne, and undertake the pilgrimage, but is dissuaded by his courtiers. The Javanese chiefs of Surabaya, Madura, Blam- bangan, and Kadiri, with the assistance of Dewa Agung, king of Bali, unite in a confederacy a- gainst the Dutch and Susunan. The Dutch banish the king of Tambora in Sambawa to the Cape of Good Hope. Christopher Van Zwol, governor-general of the Dutch Indies. C. 1714. J. 1658. H. 1124. The king of Boni, Mapa Orange, dies, and is succeeded by his eldest daughter, Batara Toja. The settlement of the English at Bencoolen is removed from its first station to Fort Marlborough.