Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/594

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550 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. The Chinese, to the number of ten thousand, are massacred at Batavia by the Dutch, on suspi- cion of a conspiracy. r Valckenier, the Dutch governor-general, arrests three counsellors of the Indies for opposition to his measures, and sends them to Europe. C. 174.1. J. 1666. H. 115^. The Dutch governor-general proceeds for Eu- rope, but is arrested at the Cape of Good Hope, and sent back to Batavia to be tried for the mas- sacre of the Chinese, and the. arrest of his asso- ciates in the government. Jan Thiedens, governor-general of the Dutch Indies. The Chinese are driven from their entrench- ments, eight miles from Batavia, and, retreating to the eastvvard, join the Susunan in a league to exterminate the Dutch. The Susunan and the Chinese capture the Dutch fortress at Cartasura, and put to death the Euro- pean officers who had surrendered by capitulation. The Susunan and the Chinese march to Sama- rang, and lay siege to the fort, with, according to the Dutch statement, two hundred thousand men. The Dutch collect a force of twelve thousand men at Samarang, make a sortie, and defeat the besiegers. The Susunan forsakes his alliance with the Chi-