Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/598

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554. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. A volcanic eruption from some mountain ' of the neighbouring islands covers Java with ashes, accompanied by a total darkness, from seven in the morning until four in the afternoon. — A dreadful famine and epidemic afflict the island of Java. Jacob Mossel, governor-general of the Dutch Indies. The English establish a settlement at Natal in Sumatra. C. 1751. J. 1678. H. 1164. The rebel Javanese princes, Mangkubumi and Mangkunagoro, quarrel and separate. — They fight a battle in Pronorogo, and Mangkubumi is defeated. The Dutch make overtures to Mangkunagoro, sending him, as a bribe, the body of his father, brought, for that purpose, from Ceylon, where he had died in banishment ! Amasa Madena, called also Batara Goa, suc- ceeds to the crown of Goa Macassar. C. 1754. J. I679-8O. H. 1165-66, The inhabitants of Sooloo, and other natives of the surrounding states, invade the Philippines, and, entering with fire and sword, murder the religious orders, Indians and Spaniards, and carry off thou- sands of the inhabitants of every description. Don Pedro Manuel de Arandia, governor of the Philippines. December. — A dreadful eruption of a volcano,